
I didn’t expect to be engaging with his energy during the workshop. It wasn’t his workshop, which is what misled me to think that I wouldn’t be engaging with his energy. I was wrong. Or maybe I was right, it doesn’t even matter. I got the experience that I needed which is all that mattered. 

I was lying in meditation after the core of the workshop, receiving messages and reflecting. I felt his energy slip into my reality and turned to face him.

“You had a question for me” he asked, or rather stated. 

“I guess I did” I said back. He left silence while raising his eyebrows at me. 

The question that I was thinking about wasn’t the one that came from my mouth. I was expecting to ask a question about the universe and an experience I had about a month ago. Instead, what came from my mouth was “what if I made all of this up (meaning interacting with him)? What if none of this is real?” I asked.

“What if it is the only thing that is real?” he asked back and disappeared. 

I was left alone with my thoughts again. As I thought about his words I realized that I needed to play devil's advocate. So, I asked myself, what if none of this is real? You see, this is the thing about real and not real. It doesn’t fucking matter, none of it. I am wildly happy, the happiest I have been in my life. So, it doesn’t even matter.