Intro to Somatic Healing

Somatics is the singular most powerful healing modality we have experienced!

A self-paced course from Rose Quartz Mediumship

✓ Are you curious about somatics but don’t know where to start?

✓ Have you been unsure if a somatic certification would be a good addition for you in your business, practice, or profession?

✓ Perhaps you’ve tried working with other somatic practitioners or programs and not gotten what you needed?


► IT will give you a taste of how we work and what you can expect in FURTHER studIES with us.

► AND IT WILL PREPARE YOU FOR OUR Somatic Certification program, which is unparalleled in the breadth and scope of material and training.

WHY Should you take this Intro course?

🌠 With this self-paced course, you will learn the fundamentals of Somatic Healing in this course. You will gain a basic understanding of the nervous system and how the body regulates the nervous system. Most importantly, you will have the opportunity to decide if what we offer and how we work is the right fit for you to continue working with us to become certified in somatic healing. 🌠

Intro to Somatic Healing
One time

Learn the fundamentals of Somatic Healing. You will walk away with a basic understanding of the nervous system and how the body regulates the nervous system. You will also have the opportunity to decide if what we offer and how we work is the right fit for you to continue studying and become certified in Somatic healing.

✓ Learn about the fundamentals of Somatics.
✓ Experience our teaching style.
✓ Decide if our Certification program is right for you!


Somatics means “in relation to the body.” The Body is the voice of the unconscious or subconscious. We all hold stories in our nervous system (Body), and these stories drive and determine the frequency and vibration we put out to the world and define our reality. By releasing these stories that we are not consciously aware of and hold in our nervous system, we can change our relationships, experiences, and outcomes. Somatic healing provides profound changes for people.



An important concept to understand about trauma is that trauma is not WHAT happened to us; it is HOW we respond to that experience that matters more. The experience itself was traumatic. But trauma occurs when we cannot fully process a traumatic experience in the moment it happens.

When this happens, we will store survival energy rather than release it. During trauma, a chemical reaction occurs that gives us superhuman strength to keep us as safe as possible, literally to “survive” the experience (i.e., run harder, fight stronger). However, if this energy is not released, it becomes stored in our nervous system. In this process, we unconsciously create stories or “agreements with life,” which is our body’s way of keeping us safe.


✓ I have created a story that to have an abundance of money, I will have to sacrifice my work-life balance and work hard to have enough money. As a result, I subconsciously feel I need to resist money and abundance to keep a healthy work-life balance.

✓ I had a traumatic experience with an unsafe man. As a result, I’ve created a story that ALL men are unsafe. But now I want to be in a relationship with a man, and I can’t stop feeling that all men are dangerous. I’m unable to feel safe even though this particular man is kind and safe.

✓ As a small child, I was expressive about my joy and happiness, but I was shamed for being … “too loud, too much, too happy, too expressive.” Now, I have a hard time allowing pleasure and joy in my life because, subconsciously, I believe I will be rejected.


Agreements like these make sense when we create them. However, as situations change, old agreements don’t necessarily serve us anymore. Stories resulting from traumatic experiences may have created agreements that kept you safe at the time but now hold you back from living freely. Using somatics, you can purge survival energy connected to trauma from your nervous system. This creates space to make new agreements with life. And these new agreements can support the life you desire: a happy life and a life free from old trauma and old stories. 



The power of somatic healing is in discovering and purging stuck survival energy, which allows for regulation of the nervous system and creates permanent changes. Learn to recognize and move awareness through all five channels and understand how to titrate between activation and safety to help the body purge survival energy. Survival energy stuck in our bodies is something that, on a conscious level, we are usually not aware of, and we can also be unaware of how it impacts us (sometimes for an entire lifetime.) When survival energy has been purged from one’s nervous system, new stories and new agreements with life can be created — and our reality can change in truly beautiful ways.


Erin Tullar has a Doctorate in Physical Therapy and a level 2 Somatic Certification. She is also a Shaman, Druid, Reiki Master, Death Dula, Life Coach, and Spiritual Coach. Erin has one foot in the science world and one foot in the energy realm, and as a result, she gives you access to the best of both worlds. This Intro to Somatics course will help you explore healing body-based trauma and the concept of releasing trauma that is buried in your subconscious and nervous system that may be holding you back from living the life that you desire and deserve.

In this video, Erin describes the remarkable impact that Somatics has had in her life and how it has been the most powerful healing modality she has experienced for herself and with clients.


Start your journey AS a Somatic HEaler with us!

In our upcoming Somatic Certification course in January 2025, you will be able to dive deep and learn how to heal body-based trauma and subconscious stories. You will discover new ways of helping yourself and others react and respond to people, situations, and things in their reality. And you will have confidence in offering powerful somatic healing sessions.

Add Somatics to your healing toolbox … you will be so glad you did!



If you have any questions, please email us at or call/text 603-520-7770.

Thank you!
Erin Tullar & Kevin Brogle