Rose Quartz Mediumship’s
Starting in Spring 2025
A three-level program
The Rose Quartz Mediumship School of Magick provides deep training and guidance in magickal practices: ceremony, ritual, relationship with Nature and Spirit, inner knowledge, self-actualization, energetic and somatic healing practices, and spiritual leadership.
Rooted in the principles of land-based spiritual traditions and a deep love of the Earth and all her Beings, this program is designed to provide a fertile playground for growth, healing, and expansion with the aim of preparing the next generation of healers, leaders, and practitioners to offer magickal work and leadership in service to the changing world.
This program offers a hybrid format of recorded online content, hands-on practice, live bi-monthly group learning sessions via Zoom, and in-person intensive experiences to provide a range of approaches and modalities to meet all learners. No previous knowledge of magickal practice is required, and modules will be accessible and engaging for learners of all levels, from the novice to the deeply experienced.
The video below is an invitation to you from Erin ~
LEVEL 1. THE PATH OF THE EARTH CHILD - (Elemental Magic, Creativity, Play)
In Level 1, learners will focus on building a fundamental language and toolbox in magickal practice, an introduction to ceremony and ritual, working with the primal energies/elements of nature, divination, shamanic journeying, understanding spiritual energy, energy healing (Reiki), and manifesting practices. This level also emphasizes magickal “play” and artistic creativity as a path of spiritual expression.
LEVEL 2. THE PATH OF THE SPIRIT DANCER - (Warrior, Healer, Shadow and Light Worker)
In Level 2, learners will take a deep dive into their personal landscape, exploring “shadow” elements of their inner and outer reality that present resistance or obstacles in achieving their goals and fulfillment. As part of this work, program participants will build their Spirit practice, developing deep spiritual relationships with plant/tree/animal spirit guides/allies, expanding healing work practices, and energetic clearing training of people, beings, and land.
LEVEL 3. THE PATH OF THE SOVEREIGN - (Self-Sovereignty, Leadership, Service)
In Level 3, learners will focus on refining and expanding these skills. Learning how to develop as a leader and practitioner will be emphasized. Students at this level are encouraged to identify and focus on the core expression of the work they wish to bring into the world and will be guided on how to establish themselves as practitioners. Deeper levels of Spirit work, healing, and energy clearance are an important part of this final phase of the program.
This program is intended for individuals who are drawn to ancient knowledge and healing and is rooted in multiple forms of energy healing and healing modalities. You will be trained in ancient wisdom centered on Shamanism, Druidry, Reiki, and Somatic healing. You will be offered multiple layers of support and resources to explore your own path to healing, along with the space to practice and develop your authentic healing skills. By the end of the 3rd level, you will feel confident in yourself as a healing practitioner and as a human moving through this beautiful human experience.
The energetics and core values of Druidry and earth and spirit magick will be taught in this program. Ancient practices and knowledge will be explored and practiced inside this 3-level training. Historical Druidry is traditionally understood to be an ancient spiritual practice originating in the mostly-forgotten history of the ancient Celtic peoples. In this program, we will explore the central tenets and core principles of the ever-evolving practice of modern Druidry, where you are invited to connect with these core practices using an ancestry/lineage of your choosing.
You will have the freedom to explore how this ancestry/lineage of choice embodied the art and magick of Druidry rather than just the traditional Celtic history in which Druidry was born. We will honor and respect the root of where this knowledge was born; however, we were not trained while immersed in a traditional Celtic setting. We have crafted this approach to allow for a more inclusive, personal, and authentic integration of these spiritual principles. The certificate you will receive is based on demonstration of understanding of the core values of Druidry.
If you are seeking traditional Celtic Druidry, then you may want to consider training with OBOD for that experience.
The energetic and core values of shamanism, healing, and spirit magick will be taught in this program. Ancient practices and techniques will be explored and practiced inside this 3-level program. In this program, you will connect with your own Upper world, Middle world, and Lower world guides through the practice of journey work. The teachings of these healing techniques will be taught and cultivated over the 3 levels, allowing time and space for mastery of these ancient techniques. The certificate you will receive is based on a demonstration of understanding of the core values of shamanism.
We will honor and respect the root of where this knowledge was born; however, we were not trained in an indigenous culture. If you are seeking training with a shaman living in an indigenous tribe, you may want to consider training with an indigenous tribe for that experience.
The energetics and values of Usui Reiki and universal energy will be taught in this program, and ancient practices and techniques will be explored and practiced in the 3-levels of this program. The Reiki Master certificate that you will receive through this training will be based on a demonstration of an understanding of the core values and techniques of Reiki.
We will honor and respect the root of where this knowledge was born; however, we were not trained while immersed in a traditional culture. If you seek training with a Reiki Master living in a traditional culture, you may want to consider training within that culture for this experience.
Somatics, body-based nervous system regulation, will be integrated into all parts of this program; however, no somatic certification will be offered. The background of somatic healing and how the nervous system responds to trauma will be taught. You will learn and practice techniques to regulate the nervous system and release survival energy stuck in the nervous system, allowing presence.
This program does not teach a full neurology background, but many universities offer this if you are seeking it. You can also study it at Somatic Experiencing International.
We will weave the above four forms of healing and magick through all levels of the programming.
Certifications at the completion of 3 levels:
Reiki Master
Are you ready to awaken the ancient wisdom within? Perhaps this wisdom inside you is something you recognize. Or maybe it’s a new idea, yet there is a knowing of congruence and connection on some level. As you enter Rose Quartz Mediumship’s School of Magick, you will begin to recognize that invisible forces are at play within you and around you—every moment of every day.
In our modern world, these realms of consciousness and understanding have become foreign to us. However, through the millennia, the Ancients, Sages, and Elders knew how to see, feel, honor, and have a reciprocal relationship with these realms. They knew how to work with the wisdom and healing power of the ages. They understood how to honor the sacred order and the lessons of forces greater than themselves. They were trained to guard, hold, and savor the beauty of these realms of understanding and awareness.
As you begin to understand these tenets, a new reality will open up in you! You will start to see connections, events, and relationships of divine order and divine inspiration that have created your reality and continue to do so every day! You will awaken to a new version of yourself and have a new understanding of your relationship with Universe, God, Spirit, and all that is. And in this process, a divine light will begin to shine through you. This is what the Wise Elders have been working on throughout time. And this is the focus of our magickal studies.
Transformations such as these require determination, discipline, courage, and a willingness to go beyond what seems possible. The results are truly rewarding! If this transformative process speaks to you, we invite you to join us on a beautiful journey of Magickal creativity, healing, leadership, and service.
Erin, Kevin, and Eyal
Meet our Magick School Facilitators
Magick School Student comments:
The magick school level one has been a beautiful experience unlike any I’ve ever had. This deep ancient wisdom being taught by the most compassionate and knowledgeable facilitators has been amazing. Combined with an amazing community, and intertwined hands on learning, the magick school has been life altering and I cannot wait for year two!! ~ Cathy
I love being a part of the Magick School! The ways in which we’ve grown individually and as a group in this program have been profound. I’ve been drawn to metaphysics, healing, and the spiritual world for as long as I can remember, and with Rose Quartz Mediumship, I’ve found a way to tap into this curiosity and feeling that magick is a part of who I am. The instructors, Erin and Eyal, create safe, supportive, and non-judgmental spaces for you to discover your path, explore ancient healing and wisdom, and practice incorporating these things into your life. I feel like I’ve finally found home—and I think you will feel that way, too. ~ Peg
Kaya’s testimonial about their experience in the Magick School.
THE PATH OF THE EARTH CHILD - (Elemental Magic, Creativity, Play)
The program offers a hybrid format of recorded online content, hands-on practice, live bi-weekly group learning sessions, and in-person intensive experiences to provide a range of approaches and modalities to meet all learners. No previous knowledge of magickal practice is required, and modules will be accessible and engaging for learners of all levels, from the novice to the deeply experienced.
Zoom classes will be held on the first and third Wednesdays of the month
from 6:00 - 7:15 pm EST,
Starting in the Spring and going through mid-November 2025.
May 17th - (9:30-3:00)
June 20th (12:00-6:00),
June 21st (9:30-5:00),
June 22nd (9:30-1:00)
Aug 1st (12:00-6:00),
Aug 2nd (9:30-5:00),
Aug 3rd (9:30-1:00)
Oct 25th (9:30-3:00)
Are you ready to explore the world of magick?
Rose Quartz Mediumship's School of Magick is a three-level hybrid program that provides deep training and guidance in magickal practice. In Level 1, we build a fundamental language and toolbox for magickal practice, ceremony, and ritual, primal energies/elements of nature, divination, shamanic journeying, spiritual energy, energy healing (Reiki), and manifesting. We'll emphasize magickal “play” and artistic creativity as a path for spiritual expression.
THE PATH OF THE SPIRIT DANCER - (Warrior, Healer, Shadow & Light Worker)
This program offers a hybrid format of recorded online content, hands-on practice, live bi-weekly group learning sessions, and in-person intensive experiences to provide a range of approaches and modalities to meet all learners.
Zoom classes for Level 2 will be held on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month
from 6:00 - 7:15 pm EST,
Starting in early April and going through mid-November 2025.
May 17th - (9:30-3:00)
June 20th (12:00-6:00),
June 21st (9:30-5:00),
June 22nd (9:30-1:00)
Aug 1st (12:00-6:00),
Aug 2nd (9:30-5:00),
Aug 3rd (9:30-1:00)
Oct 25th (9:30-3:00)
Are you committed to continuing your magickal journey?
Rose Quartz Mediumship's School of Magick is a three-level hybrid program providing deep training and guidance in magickal practice. Level 2 learners will take a deep dive into their personal landscape, exploring “shadow” elements of their inner and outer reality that present resistance or obstacles in achieving their goals and fulfillment. As part of this work, program participants will build their Spirit practice, developing deep spiritual relationships with plant/tree/animal spirit guides.