These courses are formatted so you can work on the material on your schedule. They are not interactive and, as a result, do not include class discussions. But like all of our workshops, you will have lifetime access to the content. Enjoy studying at your own pace!

Intro to Somatic Healing

Learn the fundamentals of Somatics.

Somatics is the singular most powerful healing modality we have experienced! This short course will help you decide if our upcoming Somatic Certification workshop is for you.

Intro to Somatic Healing
One time

In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of Somatic Healing. You will walk away with a basic understanding of the nervous system and how the body regulates the nervous system. You will also have the opportunity to decide if what we offer and how we work is the right fit for you to become certified in Somatic healing.

✓ Learn the fundamentals of Somatics.
✓ Experience our teaching style.
✓ Decide if our Certification program is right for you!

Release Triggered Emotions

Gain control of how you feel!


Erin loves to live with one foot in the world of science and one foot in the world of energy and this course is a perfect example of combining these two worlds. Because being emotionally triggered is such a common challenge, we want to offer this introductory course to our community for free.

When you learn to react and respond differently to people, situations, and conflicts around you — your life will change!

Enter your name and email address in the form above. And then, check your inbox for an email from us ( It contains a link and directions to access course material. If you don’t see an email from us, please check your “spam” or “promotions” folders. To avoid any difficulty, add us to your contacts or safe list.

Manifesting Money

Change your relationship with money and abundance!

Manifesting Money - an introductory self-paced course
One time

Learn to heal your relationship and feel differently about money. Align with abundance instead of scarcity! This somatic-based self-paced course will help you release energy and blocks in your body that keep you from attracting the money you desire. Two modules containing nine videos, lessons, exercises, and meditations will help you manifest abundance, change your relationship with money, and create the life of your dreams!

✓ Unlimited lifetime access to content.
✓ Learn to align in abundance instead of scarcity!

Identifying Patterns that hold you back

Release patterns that are holding you back and create the life you want to live!

Identifying Patterns that Hold You back - an introductory self paced course
One time

Are you stuck in patterns that are holding you back from being the person you want to be and living the life you want to live? Are you feeling frustrated and ready to break these patterns? This five-module, 20-video self-paced course contains lessons, exercises, and meditations to help you identify these patterns and understand why you are stuck. It will also help you release patterns that are holding you back, allowing you to create the life you love!

✓ 5 modules with 20 videos.
✓ Unlimited lifetime access to content.
✓ Release old patterns to create the life you will love!

Chakra System

Sign up for our Chakra Systems self paced course to take a deep dive in the energy of the Chakras in your body.

Study the energy of the Chakra system for a healthy and well-balanced life.

Chakra System - a self paced course
One time
For 2 months

Our nine-module Chakra system course begins with an introduction and then spends time on each chakra, diving deep into understanding the chakra, learning where you may be holding blocks, and why those blocks exist. It ends with an integration module to help you explore working with your chakra system on an ongoing basis to ensure a healthy and well-balanced chakra system for a healthy and well-balanced life.

✓ 9 modules with 46 videos.
✓ Lifetime access to content!
✓ Learn to live a healthier, more well-balanced life

Living in Non-attachment

Change your attachments to people, stories, and the outcomes of situations in your life.

Living in non-attachement - self paced course
One time
For 2 months

We create stories in our minds using a small number of facts, and these stories can keep us attached to particular outcomes and experiences. But when we learn to detach from the stories and expectations we've created, we can be present and experience what's happening around us in a whole new way. This 4-module self-paced course will help you learn how to live in a beautiful place of non-attachment.

✓ Lifetime access to content.
✓ Learn how to change your expectations and stories.
✓ Experience things going on around you in a whole new way!

Highly Sensitive People, Perfectionism & Presence

Empower yourself to be more present in your reality.

Highly Sensitive People, Perfectionism & Presence - self paced course
One time

Are you sensitive to the energy of people, places, and things around you? Do you find yourself striving for perfection? In this course, we explore how these personality traits are developed and link them to past trauma. In this 3-module course, you will learn how to recognize and also release the stories that have supported these traits so you can be present and empowered in your reality.

✓ Lifetime access to content.
✓ Empower yourself to be more present in your reality!

Releasing Resentment

Are you ready to let go so resentment doesn’t continue to hold you back?

Somatic Approach to Releasing Resentment - self paced course
One time

Are you feeling resentful and ready to let go of it? This two-module course uses a somatic (body-based) approach to help you release resentment. This two-module mini-course includes two lessons, two exercises, and two somatic meditations. Enjoy working at your own pace as you go through this transformative material.

✓ Lifetime access to course content.
✓ Release resentment for a happier and more fufilling life!


Self-love and self-worth are the keys to opening up the reality that your heart desires.

When you know that you are enough, everything in your life will change!

Self Love - self-paced course
One time
For 2 months

Study the 6 modules in this course at your own pace. Each module includes lessons, exercises, and meditations, to help you take a deep dive into finding a sense of belonging within yourself. Self-love is key to changing your reality! In this course, you will find the tools and support to learn to love yourself.

✓ This course is a great way see & feel the RQM experience. ❤️
✓ Lifetime access to content.
✓ Discovering a sense of self-love will change everything!

Embodied Sexual Empowerment

Explore stories that you have about your body and sex, and build confidence in who you are and what you enjoy.

Embodied Sexual Empowerment - self paced course
One time
For 2 months

In the 6 modules of this self-paced course, you will be able to explore stories that you have about your body and sex. You will learn how to release any stories that do not serve you, creating new stories after finding a place of safety and security inside yourself. And you will build confidence in who you are and what you enjoy as you embody sexual empowerment.

✓ Lifetime access to course content.
✓ Feel comfortable with who you are.
✓ Build confidence in new stories & with your desires!

Ancestral Healing

Ancestral trauma can have a dramatic effect on the life we are currently living. Learn how to identify and release this trauma so you can step into a life of freedom that you may have not yet known.

Ancestral Healing - self paced course
One time
For 2 months

In this 5 module self-paced course, we explore what ancestral trauma and healing are - and the benefits of doing ancestral healing. Each module includes lessons, exercises, and meditations to help you learn how to use healing modalities with your ancestors, how to identify ancestral trauma, and know where you hold it. There are also instructions for a final ceremony to release energy and ancestral trauma.

✓ Lifetime access to the course content.
✓ Creating healing for yourself & those you love.
✓ Change long-held ancestral patterns and trauma!

Ego Death

Learn about how Ego can support and also hold you back from your living a life of full potential.

Ego Death - self paced course
One time
For 2 months

Do you have a drive to understand your ego and how it impacts your life? In this 4-module/20-video self-paced course, you will find exercises and meditations to help you explore your relationship with your ego, its impact on your life, and how it supports and holds you back from your full potential. You will have access to lessons, meditations, exercises, and instructions for performing a final ceremony as part of the program.

✓ Lifetime access to course content.
✓ Discover how Ego affects your life & your results.
✓ Live a life of full potential!

Balance & Judgement

A perfect workshop for the transitional time during the change of seasons!

Balance & Judgement - self paced course
One time

Nature and the universe invite us to examine where in our lives we are in balance and where we are out of balance. In this mini-workshop, we will explore balance and judgment to allow ourselves to sink into deeper peace and ease in life. In this course, you will have access to multiple lessons, exercises, and meditations in each of the two modules.

✓ Lifetime access to course content.
✓ Do you feel out of balance?
✓ Find a deeper sense of peace and ease!

Connecting to your Higher Being

If you are looking to connect deeply with your higher being (soul), then this self-paced program is for you!

Connecting to your Higher Being - self paced course
One time
For 2 months

In this structured 4-module course, you will receive weekly links for exercises and guided meditations to support your connection with your higher being. You will walk away from this workshop with a stronger sense of self and feel more aligned with your soul's path. You can work on this course at your own pace and do it as often as you desire.

✓ Lifetime access to course content.
✓ Discover a stronger sense of self.
✓ Align more closely with your soul's path!

Lunar Cycles

Would you like to know more about the lunar cycle and the different phases of the moon?

Lunar Cycle Intro - self paced course
One time

In this mini self-paced course, you will learn how to work with the lunar cycle and what to expect from the moon's different phases. The course materials include two meditations - one for the new moon and one for the full moon, an introductory video about lunar cycles, and a video about making moon water.

✓ Lifetime access to course content.
✓ Encorporate knowledge of the lunar cycles into your life
✓ Add making moon water to your routine!

Are you looking for support in your healing process?

We offer 1:1 healing sessions that can include Reiki, Sound healing, Shamanic healing, and more.

Visit our Healing Sessions page.