
My reality is a product of my mind. Whatever I am in contact with, whomever I am in contact with are representative of whatever is playing out in my brain. I remember when this shifted from a cognitive or cerebral knowing into a deep sense of knowing that I felt with my heart and body. 

Every conversation. Every interaction. Every experience has a mirror for me. If we are crossing paths, there is a piece of you in me. Somewhere, I am that same man or woman or child. Somewhere, I have that same wound, that same joy, that same expansion and healing. 

I have attended and taught countless workshops. I love them. There is something about seeing a million mirrors that always lights my soul on fire. It is a true and deep opportunity for me to see parts of myself that I may otherwise deny or be unwilling to see. The more I listen and the less I talk, the more I heal and grow. Sometimes, no words are ever needed. Sometimes, words can’t or don't exist because there are none that can adequately describe the feelings. Sometimes, sitting and gazing into someone's eyes brings me deep into the core of my soul. 

Working in a container is one of the most powerful things that I can do for myself. Younger versions of me had too much ego to recognize the mirrors in the room but it was in those containers that I began to learn how to set down my ego, which is still a work in progress, and begin to be present and vulnerable. So, pull up a cushion or a chair and look me in the eyes and I will do the same my friend.