New moon

I learned lifetimes ago to work with the natural flow of the earth and my body. I learned to ebb and flow like the tides of the ocean, listening to and responding to the pull of the moon. As I remembered this deep knowing and started to work with this flow again I realized how natural it was and how little I fought it when I could just surrender to it.

There is something magickal about the new moon that I just adore. It feels so much like divine feminine energy to me. It is energy that I don’t try to control, I just learn to dance with it. New moon energy is never about “doing” for me. It is about “allowing”. It is about allowing whatever wants to flow through and to me. It is about opening myself up to receiving and welcoming in wisdom and knowledge and dancing with it a bit to see how it fits into my reality. 

We walked out in the woods basking in the new moon energy. It was like a brain dump of business plans. All that I needed to do was get myself into a high vibration mindset, set the intention of being open to receiving, feel worthy of receiving and then receive. As we walked, I vomited one thought after another almost faster than I could speak. I had zero intention of doing anything with these thoughts, that would come over the next couple of weeks as we flowed into the full moon. Today, in the new moon it was about receiving and planting seeds that would grow as the intensity of the full moon peaked.