Healing me

“Do you have anything that you want to say?” she asked.

It was an odd question to me. She was asking but she certainly didn’t mean it. She already had her mind made up. There was nothing that I could or would say that would shift anything in her mindset. She wasn’t coming to me to have a conversation. She wasn’t coming to me to understand the situation. She wasn’t coming to me to help me heal. She wasn’t coming to me to help me grow. 

It was the second time in a single day that this type of energy was crossing my path. I could see the thread between the two situations so clearly. The thread sparkled and twinkled and danced to catch my attention. The thread  jumped at me, begging to be seen for what it was. So, I smiled and said “Oh, I see you” to the thread. This sparkling thread was here to teach me. This pattern and this energy was here to help me grow.

Both of the humans attached to this thread came with the same energy, both told me how I felt and what happened, which was ironic because neither of them were me and neither of them were even there for the situation. Part of me wanted to explain and help them see my side of the situation, but that would have been pointless, it would have fallen on deaf ears and I already knew that. I had even gone so far as to type an email which I just deleted. It was about moving the energy from my body, but once it was shifted I could see clearly that the email was never meant to be sent.

So, I sat silently and shook my head. Yup, I see you. Yup, I hear you. Yup, I am you. As much as I don’t want to admit that, somewhere in my soul there is a piece of you in me and in that moment I decided I was going to heal the part of me that presented like you.