Everyday Magick

It isn’t often that I am caught off guard. But, it happened. It was on one of my Wed night classes. The topic was Druidry and it fell on Mabon (fall equinox) which felt perfect to me. Her question was simple but I stutter-stepped. It threw me. It wasn’t until later that I really wrapped my head around why. 

“Can you tell me what magick in everyday life looks like for you?” she asked. You see, it is a simple question. It is an easy question to answer. It truly is. 

It looks like cooking with intention and infusing that energy into my soup, the lasagna or the salad. 

It looks like moon water and moon ceremony. 

It looks like drawing a bath with intention. 

It looks like walking in the woods with intention. 

It looks like rocks in my bra. 

It looks like morning meditation. 

It looks like dancing naked in my kitchen.

It looks like a journey with spirit. 

It looks like breathwork. 

It looks like creating. 

It looks like grounding. 

It looks like composting to save the earth. 

It looks like gardening and growing. 

It is skipping backwards and enjoying every second of it.

It looks like essential oils diffused in my home and rolled on myself and my children. 

It looks like tarot cards in the kitchen and crystals in the bedroom. 

It looks like sage drying to be used later. 

It looks like ocean water in a mason jar on my altar. 

It looks like houseplants all over my home. 

It looks like manifesting with orgasms. 

It looks like rocks carried home from the ocean now supporting my family at the corners of the room. 

It looks like benches around the property intended for moments of silence. 

It looks like bushes and flowers planted for the wild life. 

It looks like swings hung from my apple tree.

It looks like my life. 

It wasn’t until later when I really paused to reflect on why I skipped a beat with her question that the answer was so clear. She asked me to define where I use magick in my life, but the answer is that magick IS my life. I can’t pull out where magick stops and my life begins, it is one in the same. My life is magick.