
I woke up before 4 am and rolled around in my bed for a bit. A couple of minutes after 4 I finally got up and started my day. By that, I mean that I went pee, grabbed a glass of water and then a cup of coffee and hopped back into bed to write a blog post. 

Only, I never wrote the blog post. I sat silently holding my cup of coffee in my hands. I had multiple blogs that were “stuck” inside of me but there I sat not even attempting to write them. I realized that I was solidly sitting in my subconscious thoughts so I closed my eyes, held my coffee and drifted into meditation. 

As I sat on my bed, warm cup of coffee in hand, I started receiving messages and clarity on my business and what direction the universe wanted me to go with it. I had heard this exact message before, but hadn’t been in a place where I felt capable of acting on it. 

I set my coffee down with a start and reached for my phone. I wasn’t even sure why I was doing this but my body was just in motion before my mind caught up with it. I clicked on IG and the second thing that popped up was a sponsored ad. I clicked on it, messaged them through DM like the ad asked and in 2 seconds I had an email with a link. As I watched the content on the link I laughed, it was the exact content that I had just gotten in a download from the universe.I hear you…… I hear you. I love the way the universe will repeat itself louder and louder until you listen. This time, I listened while filled with gratitude for the messages and clarity.