I am not ok

“How do you do it?” she asked. 

We had been talking about how she internalized her pain. She hid it from others. She kept it from friends and family.  She kept it close to her heart.

“What do you mean?” I asked. I wanted to be sure to answer her actual question and not be answering my interpretation of her question. I thought that I knew what “it” she was talking about, but wasn’t going to assume that I knew and I also felt that it was important for her to define it. 

“If you are not ok and you have a client. How do you do it? So, what if you weren’t ok and you had me on your schedule.”

I was correct about the “it”. I went on to explain that I have a REALLY solid psychic hygiene practice that is non-negotiable. If it falls apart so does my whole life, believe me I have tested it a time or two. As I work on difficult or large projects then my psychic hygiene practice is ramped up to match my reality. It is how I find balance in my life and how I support my vibration level. My vibration level determines a lot of my reality, through the law of attraction. I have intense shadow work sessions built into my month so that I am proactively addressing my wounds and trauma and shadows so that I don’t wait for it to blow up in my face. I hate dealing with something as an emergency that I could have proactively addressed, so I make a real effort to schedule out these sessions and really dig into them.  We went on to discuss that when some resistance comes up in my life I always stop and ask myself “why am I experiencing this?” which helps me to move through the resistance faster. And then, when I am really not ok, I admit it and I step away. I step away for myself and for my clients. Being not ok is perfectly ok, being not ok and pretending that you are fine…… now that is not ok.