Freight Train

I was sitting in the hot tub looking at the sky. About 2 hours earlier in the night I felt a concept come brush by my consciousness and then quickly slip away. I almost had it but before I could grab ahold of it and ground the concept into my mind, I lost it. I had reached desperately to grab it as if it was a helium balloon that would fly away and never come back.

I recognized what I was doing. I was chasing something. I was chasing rather than allowing. I was being very human about things. So, I stopped and told myself that I really didn’t need to try that hard. I could simply make space for the concept to come back and in the space of allowing and surrendering I needed to release the fear that it wouldn’t come back. If I was meant to understand, I would. If I wasn’t meant to understand this concept yet, I wouldn’t and there was a reason for that. 

Over the past 2 years I have worked hard at not chasing things. Simply allowing and aligning my energy with the things that I wanted to attract into my reality. The further I got into this practice the more I realized how much I had held attachments to things, people, thoughts, experiences, items etc. The more I released the attachment that I had the more that I got and the better my life was. 

So, I sat gazing at the stars and thinking “Fuck, this is mindblowingly beautiful” and just like that, the concept came back and hit me like a freight train.