

I was staring down the tunnel and feeling the intensity of the position I was in. I was looking into the darkness and feeling fear bubble up in every cell of my body. It would be easy for me to say that the fear was outside of me, but I understood that the fear was mine to own.



I was walking around the house doing chores and she was chasing after me. Every couple of seconds, she would yowl for attention. I stopped and patted her and then went back to my chores. She continued to chase me, screaming for attention. Whenever I would stop, she would tap on my legs, and I would reach down and pat her, but it didn’t seem to be enough.

Inner Peace

Inner Peace

They didn’t need other people to accept this aspect of them, they simply needed to accept this aspect of themselves. The inability to belong in community was driven by an inability to belong inside of themselves. I watched the moment that they allowed belonging inside of themselves, and it felt like I was watching it in slow motion, almost as if time had slowed down just so that I got to soak up every second of witnessing this individual in their process.