Allowing lack of structure

I was cutting up fruit for breakfast and carried the containers over to our recycling bin in the kitchen, only to realize that it was full. 

I took the bin out and walked towards the garage to dump it into the larger bin we had there. 

But on my way to the garage, I walked past the laundry room and remembered that I needed to switch the sheets from the washer to the dryer. 

So, I set down the bins and switched over the laundry. As I walked out of the laundry room, my eye caught the sink and how dirty it was. 

So, I stopped and scrubbed the sink until it was clean. I then walked out of the laundry room to find the recycling sitting in the hallway. Remembering what I was originally doing, I carried the recycling to the garage and dumped it in. 

I looked down into the two bins and realized how dirty they were, so I stopped in the laundry room again, scrubbed the bins until they were clean, and then took them outside to dry in the sunshine. 

While I was out there, I noticed how good the sun felt, so I stopped, stood barefoot in the grass, closed my eyes, and enjoyed the sun on my face. 

After a while, I remembered that I had originally been cutting up fruit for breakfast and I had better get the bowls of fruit to my children. 

And this, my friend, is what I love about a weekend morning. The majority of my week is very structured, and while I thrive in that structure, I also love to allow the part of me who can’t stay on task to express herself. There is something so special about carving out the time and space for this part of me to be exactly as she is. To have the time to be able to get lost 9 million times while just trying to complete one task, this part of me gets to exist. And I love her, so when it is her time to express herself, I truly bask in the magick of what it feels like to be her, I enjoy every last second of it without any judgment or guilt. If I didn’t give her time and space to express herself, then it would make my week feel impossible, and she would seep into my week in a way that wouldn’t work well for my life. But because she gets to express herself on the weekend, her needs are met.