I was staring down the tunnel and feeling the intensity of the position that I was in. I was looking into the darkness and feeling fear bubble up in every cell of my body. It would be easy for me to say that the fear was outside of me, but I understood that the fear was mine to own.
Sometimes, looking into the darkness can feel scary and that gets to be ok. It gets to be ok to feel overwhelmed by darkness from time to time. It gets to be ok to feel fear around the unknown.
The tunnel was simply a metaphor for what I was working through. Of course, the tunnel exists, and it is real, but I was only engaging with the tunnel as a way to understand myself more deeply. I could be scared of the darkness that I was seeing, or I could feel confident that I could walk through the unknown, come out the other side of the tunnel, and into the light again. The truth is, the tunnel has two ends with darkness in the middle. If I was willing to walk through the darkness, I knew I would come out the other side as a stronger version of myself.
I was at the tunnel to perform psychopomp as a way of giving back to spirit for everything that I get from spirit. Little did I understand that I would be receiving just as much, if not more, than I was giving that day. I was there to give, with zero expectation of receiving, and what I would receive was priceless. I received a deeper relationship with myself. I received a permission slip to own my authenticity and allow it to lead more deeply.
And so, I took a deep breath and walked down the tunnel, metaphorically speaking, and openly talked about the experience on my podcast.