Stepping into me

I was at the workshop as a participant and not the facilitator of the workshop. This was a shadow work workshop with a guided and non guided meditation. We were asked what our intention was before we went into meditation.

“I want to see the part of my personal power that I am scared to step into” I shared freely when I was called upon to speak my intention into the space. 

There had been something holding me back. I knew that it was me, but I also knew that I couldn’t fully see it. On a break before the meditation I did a sound bowl with one of the other participants as she was looking to release trauma and have a large energetic shift. . As I listened to her sobbing and telling me about her birth story, I realized that my intention had been met, even before the meditation started. There was still a part of me that was trying to show up like someone else. There was a part of me that didn’t feel good enough in the unique  way that I showed up as a healer. I have a different approach. That approach is divinely right from me because it is what naturally comes out of me, yet I was trying to shift or soften the way I showed up. At that moment I decided that I would only ever be me from that point forward. I can’t be anyone but me, so I made the decision to only show up as myself, unapologetically and relentlessly. 

Days later, I had a situation where someone asked me why I show up the way that I do and told me that I was wrong for being so open and honest. I stood solidly in why I show up like this, it is who I am and I am not sorry. I don’t need people to like the way that I show up in the world, I just need me to like it and people who are meant to be in my reality will be. I recognized it was the universe asking me if I truly learned the lesson. I allowed that experience to ground the lesson deeply into my mind, body, heart and soul as I stepped solidly into my personal power that I had been scared to stand in.