
Every chance that I have, I delay taking a shower for as long as I can. Most days, it happens well before 6:30am but on any day that I am able to stay in my nighty and stay unshowered until mid-morning, I feel like I am beating the system. I feel like I am winning. On days when I make it to the middle of the day, I feel like I hit the lottery, the big jackpot. It is magick, pure magick.

On one of these magickal days, I looked at that pattern inside of myself. Why was I putting off my shower? Why did I derive so much joy from not showering until late in the day? Why is my nighty such a deep form of comfort for me? The answer floated into my reality like the smell of fresh cut grass on a steamy summer morning. I adore down time. I adore not being on a schedule. I adore the energy of allowing and not pushing, which is a bit ironic because I often find myself on a schedule and pushing. So I sat with it, in my unshowered body and all of the joy that I was experiencing. It is a form of inviting this type of energy into my reality. It is a way of celebrating and asking the universe for more of it. It is a way of bringing attention to it and leaning into it. As I sat in silent meditation looking at the pattern I realized just how relaxed I was in my body and how it invites divine feminine energy, the energy of being and not doing, the energy of flow, the energy of creativity, the energy of sensuality and sexuality, the energy of passion in a gentle form. It was something that naturally happens for me without trying. As I slipped between worlds, between spirit and body, between meditation and presence with the human experience I realized that the divine feminine energy of slowing down and being, puts me solidly in spirit which is my favorite energy to sit in. 

Isn’t it impressive how our habits and patterns can promote what we want to lean into? When we understand ourselves and why we do the things that we do it allows us to be more purposeful with our energy, time, and our way of showing up in the world.

So, if you find yourself celebrating a pattern in your life, I invite you to explore the pattern more deeply and what you are really seeking in life.