
I lay on my left side with my hands clasped together under my head. My body was at complete peace and my mind was turned off. I was deep in meditation talking to source or the universe or god or love, whatever you call that energy. 

I was shown all of the ways that I had been fierce in my life. Having babies at home without pain medication, graduating with a 4.0 with my doctorate, standing solidly in who I was even as a young child, refusing to comply with systems that demanded it. As I was shown all of these fierce things about myself I also knew that I was about to receive a lesson on a growth opportunity, I could feel it coming.

The universe showed me a spectrum and that even when things are on one side or the other of a spectrum that they are all still on the spectrum of the same energy. I was shown that I had solidly lived my life in one form of fierce, the fiery and obvious kind, the blinking billboard kind, the shouting from the rooftop kind, the throwing punches kind, but there was a soft and gentle way that I could be equally as fierce but through a different delivery and presentation. 

Then, the universe said “let me hear you ROAR” and I whispered back “RARHHHHH” because it was the most fierce thing that I could do and from that place of surrender into a different form of fierce I began to feel energetic doors within me open and I felt myself expand into parts of me that I had never known and had yet to explore within myself.