Rose Quartz Mediumship

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“Can I tell you one last thing?” she asked just as we were ending our coaching session.

“Of course” I responded.

“I was talking with my sister-in-law the other day. I was telling her about you and another medium and talking about my spirituality. When I got done telling her how excited I was she told me that she didn’t really believe in mediums. I totally forgot who I was talking to and that she wouldn’t understand my spirituality.” She went on to explain the situation further. I listened, knowing that there was some big piece coming.

“But, Erin, this is the best part. Years ago, I wouldn’t have even seen mediums. Six months ago, I wouldn’t have had that conversation with anyone but my husband and 2 months ago I never would have forgotten who I was talking to and been so open about my spirituality.”

“That is so beautiful” I responded.

“Yeah, but do you want to know the best part?” she asked.

I nodded.

“I didn’t care. I didn’t care that we have different truths. I didn’t care that she doesn’t believe in mediums. I didn’t care, Erin. What people thought of me used to define me but because of this work it doesn’t even impact me now.” she smiled from ear to ear while my heart simply exploded. 

After our session ended I sat in a moment of silence and really reflected about the session, specifically the last conversation. I was so incredibly happy for her that she was able to find this level of freedom inside of herself, that she had done the hard work to stand in her truth and to recognize that other people's opinions can’t and don’t define her without her permission. Freedom, that is a priceless gift to give yourself.