Sound Bath

I adored her the moment that I met her. Her energy spoke for itself. She hadn’t even spoken yet and I knew that she would be someone who I would work with for a long time. We completed a spirit communication training 1:1 allowing her to join an upcoming spirit communication level 2 workshop that I was running without feeling behind. She joined the spirit communication 2 workshop a couple of weeks later and jumped right into the deep end. 

Later that night I got an email from her that confirmed why I liked her so much. She outlined the process that she went through during the workshop and the moments after the workshop. She told me how she was mad at me, how could I allow her to join a workshop that was way over her head, why would I encourage her to do that? Then, she sat in silence after the first weeks class and reflected in a zoomed out way. She realized that if I allowed her to attend that I must believe  she was ready because I had told a couple of other individuals that I didn’t think they were ready. She allowed my trust in her to open a space in her mind and heart that she could also trust in herself in the same way. I smiled from ear to ear as I read her email. Her process was beautiful and I adored how vulnerable she was with me, she didn’t have to send the email and tell me all about the emotions that came up. But, it was that exact energy in her, the vulnerable energy and the ability to reflect and challenge her own thought patterns that made me adore her so deeply. 

She attended workshop after workshop and never once failed to amaze me. Getting to watch her in her spiritual opening process was a gift for me and I enjoyed every moment of it. Watching her start in a place where she didn’t believe in herself and grow into a place where she believed fully in herself was nothing short of pure magick.

My Druid mentor invited me to offer a sound bath on summer solstice at an event that she was holding and this individual attended the sound bath. As I weaved my way between participants offering individual vibrational healing while my partner held the ground and offered continuous sound healing to the group, I noticed her. She was doing something that I had never watched her do before. She was leaving her body, she started slowly and was just playing slightly outside of her body and then got brave and confident in herself  and started moving further outside of her body. I weaved my way to her with a rainstick and felt her gracefully coming in and out of her body. I paused to check and ensure that she was safe. When I felt that she was safe I slowly weaved my way through other participants while my heart exploded with joy for her.

When the sound bath ended she walked up to me with an enormous smile, “that was incredible!” she said. “I had no idea how powerful a sound bath would be”.

“Yeah, did you enjoy leaving your body?” I asked.

She smiled at me, “I did” she said and went on to tell me all about her experience.