Faking this?

He walked into the kitchen and directly into a deep conversation between myself and my partner. He listened for a minute or two and then laughed. 

“Are you guys just faking this?” he teased.

“Are you guys just talking like this to make me think that you always talk about deep things?” he continued to tease. 

I turned and smiled at him. The truth was that we spoke like this all of the time. It is part of why we are such a good fit. Both of us had a drive to have more knowledge and a deeper understanding of ourselves and the human experience. We could talk in depth about anything and everything, and we did. 

Occasionally, when someone finds out that I don’t watch TV or movies they will ask what I do with my time. The reality is that I think about things and explore things and learn things. I am not interested in watching a show or a movie that likely won’t teach me anything, but if you want to engage with me, teach me, explore something with me, challenge a thought pattern of mine then I am all game. 

I couldn’t imagine having a partner who didn’t want to grow and expand and learn. I couldn’t imagine making idle small talk about nothing. I couldn’t imagine not wanting to understand myself or my partner better.