I opened my eyes from meditation and realized that I must have been crying during the meditation. I hadn’t been aware of it but wet, warm, salty tears were on my face and drops had soaked into my shirt. It didn’t surprise me that I had been crying, but I also hadn’t been aware of it.
I had been in meditation with a guide and he had asked a simple yet powerful question. “Do you like who you are.”
For the first time in my adult life, I could honestly say yes. I had wanted to say yes before. There have been times in my life when I would have lied and told you yes. There have been times in my life when I would have screamed yes at the top of my lungs, which would have been a clear demonstration that the answer was no. Today, the answer was honest and it was real and it was yes. I do like who I am. That is not to say that I don’t have growth areas, I have a bunch. It is not to say that I don’t have imperfections, I have a bunch. It just means that I like myself. I like the way that I move through the world. I like my path. I like my energy. I like my way of being. I like myself and I would pick to be myself given the choice. I pick my imperfections. I pick my growth opportunities and love them. I pick myself. It has taken me a long time to reconcile who I am and to understand myself deeply. I know that I still have a bunch of understanding to do and honestly I can’t wait, I can’t wait to continue this path deep inside of myself.