Rose Quartz Mediumship

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I started making a promise to myself and repeated it everyday. I would not ignore resistance. 

I would not try to justify, manipulate or change the resistance. 

I would just see it. 

I would hear it. 

I would feel it. 

I would honor it. 

I would allow it a voice and a space at the table. 

I wouldn’t put a label on it.

I wouldn’t put it in a basket named “bad”.

I wouldn’t avoid it.

I wouldn’t make it less than.

I would honor it. I would be present with it, wherever it came up. Rather than fighting the resistance I would view it as the universe speaking to me. I have the option of listening or ignoring it and ignoring it seems like the worst possible option. As I relaxed into this promise to myself I noticed that I found more inner peace. I wasn’t trying to control life, so I didn’t feel pressure.  I was simply present with the reality in front of me and responded to the flow or resistance that I felt.