Is this your boy?

We were at the gem and mineral show with all 5 of our boys who were enjoying the energy of the stones and the energy of the people who enjoy stones. Three of our boys had been there for 6 years in a row and 2 of our boys were experiencing the show for the first time. They each got a $20 bill and were allowed to pick any stone that they were drawn to, it was a way of teaching them about energy, budgeting and making choices. They all got to move through the checkout independently as part of the experience. Our second oldest was absolutely in his element, completely comfortable and wide open. He loves anything metaphysically based and is completely comfortable engaging with people about stones and energy work. My fiance stood waiting for him to check out, giving him space and also being close enough to help if he needed it. Once he had checked out my fiance walked closer to him. 

The owner of that booth pointed to my son, “Is this boy yours?” he asked.

My fiance nodded, “Yes” he said. 

“He is really impressive” the gentleman said back without any further explanation. 

“Yes, he is, thank you,” my fiance responded. He didn’t know what interaction our son had had with the gentleman, he had trusted him to handle himself and our son had not disappointed. We hadn’t coached him, we hadn’t shamed him or tried to use guilt to make him behave, we simply trusted him and trusted the way that we had raised him. 

A couple of days later my fiance and I were speaking about the engagement between him and the owner of the booth. I sat silently reflecting after he shared the experience with me. As I looked out the window of the car I felt myself drifting between worlds and was brought back to an experience that I had had more than 5 years before. I had dated a man who was exceptionally judgemental and he had always judged this particular child because he didn’t fall into all of the societal molds and standards, because he showed up uniquely and authentically even when being judged. I recalled a conversation that we had where this man asked me if I thought that my son would be able to function in society and I could instantly feel the sensation in my body that washed over me during the conversation. Did I think that he would be able to function? No, I think that he will thrive. I think that he will be happy and feel whole. I think that he will walk to the beat of his own drum and not end up cornered into a life that he didn’t want because the pressure of society was so loud that he couldn’t hear his own self-talk. Will he be able to function in society? He will be anything that he wants. He is brilliant in a way that this man couldn’t ever understand, but my son's brilliance was never lost on me. I giggled a little to myself and felt immense gratitude for the fact that my son’s soul chose to be parented by me, that he knew that I was strong enough to support him and love him through his path in life and celebrate him rather than meeting him with judgment. I spent a moment basking in the absolute glory of GETTING to parent this child and what a gift it is.