
I was walking quickly through my living room and stopped dead in my tracks when I saw it. A small, single cheerio that was peeking out from under the couch, begging to be seen. I stood, frozen in time and frozen in my body. A warm, wet tear ran down my cheek before I even recognized that I was crying. 

Two days ago, a mom had been in the house for some deep energy work and she had brought her young child for the session. Maybe she brought him out of convenience or maybe she brought him because subconsciously she knew that she needed him there and he needed to be there, or maybe both. It had been an absolute gift to have him in the house, bringing a lightness and innocence to the deep work that she was doing.

The cheerio was evidence that he had been here in the house. The cheerio was a simple physical reminder that he came into my world and left an impact on my life. As I stood staring at the perfectly round cheerio on my floor I thought about how many cheerios we all leave in the world. How many places and spaces we enter and leave our impact on the people who are there, who will come there after we have left, our impact on the energy of the space for others to experience long after we have left. I thought about how many cheerios have silently rolled under a couch, waiting to be seen, felt, experienced by someone in their time. I thought about how each of us is dropping a trail of cheerios as we move through the world, sometimes purposefully and sometimes without a second thought. 

I blinked away tears, bent over and picked up the cheerio and popped it into my mouth feeling grateful for the medicine that he had left for me.