Rose Quartz Mediumship

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Bumper Bowling

“What was it like being raised by your parents” she asked.

“Oh, like bumper bowling” I responded. Years ago, I decided to describe things in form of energy and stop trying to use the English language in the traditional sense but, try to use it in the way that describes energy. I often will describe something as very green or thuddy or thick or dense or wispy or round or flowy.

She laughed.

“It was exactly like bumper bowling. Do you know bumper bowling” I asked.

“Yes” she responded.

“Yeah, it was exactly like that. They allowed me a massive amount of space to grow and explore and be free, yet they had the gutters covered so I wouldn’t accidentally fall into a gutter and lose the game” I explained. 

She laughed again. “Well, Ok”.

“It was a really wonderful way to be raised. It allowed me to be me and it allowed me to learn through my own experiences and gave me confidence to be the person who I really am and express that openly. It taught me that it was ok to lead with my uniqueness and authenticity and live the life that I want to live.”

“Wow, that must have been wonderful” she said back.

“It really was. I picked the most perfect parents for me” I said back.

“You know what is funny” he said from the other side of the room.

I turned and looked over at him. “What” I asked.

“It is exactly how you do spiritual coaching. You create a safe, non-judgemental place for people to explore who they are and you help them to cover their gutters so that they don’t end up in them accidentally.” he responded.

I smiled as I thought about it, “yeah, I guess that is true” I thoughtfully responded while I pondered the energy and the statement.