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Discovering Infinite Possibility

This workshop contains some of the most potent and life-changing content I believe you will ever experience!

Erin Tullar

A 6-week Interactive workshop, February 2nd - March 16th (excluding Feb 23).

Classes will be held on Sundays, from 11:45 am - 12:45 pm EST, via Zoom.

By re-framing your mindset and nervous system to access Surrender, Trust, and Safety, you will find yourself in a space of alignment you have not known before. We will walk you through all the steps needed to make these shifts, allowing you to access infinite possibilities.

Attending this workshop will change your whole life, and I will challenge the way you see yourself and the way you see the world. In just six weeks, you will experience and understand how to be in Magnetic Alignment, how to Surrender, and how to access Infinite Possibility.

Earlier Event: February 23