Rose Quartz Mediumship

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Tonight I cried

Tonight I cried. 

Sometimes, I cry when I am frustrated and feeling stuck in life. 

Sometimes, I cry when I am so tired that everything hurts and it feels impossible to get everything done. 

Sometimes, I cry when I am mad and the kindest thing that can come out of me are tears. 

Sometimes, I cry when I am overwhelmed and it feels like the weight of the world is resting on my shoulders. 

But tonight, I cried because my heart was so happy that there were no words or gestures or expressions that could capture what I was feeling. Tonight, I cried because the English language doesn’t have words that could possibly capture the absolute adoration that I have for being human and getting to live this beautiful life. Tonight, I cried because it was simply impossible for all of the love that I was feeling to be contained inside of my body. Tonight, I cried because it truly landed in a way that I could understand the absolute gift that being alive truly is. Tonight, I cried because I fell so deeply in love with the life that I am living that it took my breath away and the only thing that knew how to come out were tears. 

You might be wondering what happened to bring this level of love and appreciation for my life. Nothing happened. Nothing out of the ordinary. During meditation, I got asked if I wanted to stay in this life or if I wanted to experience another life and when faced with that choice, I picked my life in an instant. It was being faced with that choice that illuminated just how much I love my life. And then, rather than moving quickly to another thought, I allowed myself to really feel the love that I have for my life. I didn’t try to minimize it, I didn’t try to brush past it quickly on the way to something different, I allowed myself to feel that love inside of my body, my mind, my heart and my soul. So, tonight, I cried with the deepest form of love that I have ever experienced.