Rose Quartz Mediumship

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Through the lens of healing

She came back for a second reading and before we started I asked her how her session from last week was landing in her soul.

“It wasn’t what I was expecting.” she said.

“Oh, no?” I asked back.

“No, not at all, but it was good.” she said.

“What were you expecting?” I asked. Even two years ago I would have felt paralized by this statement from a client. I would have started to pick myself apart and compare myself to every other reader who this client had been to. I was happy that I didn’t have this urge. I didn’t even flinch. I can’t be another reading, mostly because I am me. I can’t access spirit the way someone else accesses spirit, mostly because I am me. I access spirit the way that I was designed to access spirit which is divinely perfect for me. I am not and never will be like another reader that you have been to. And, for the first time in my life, I don’t want to be. I want to access spirit and read the exact way that I was designed to do it. 

“I was expecting you to tell me what was going to happen and when. You did that, which was good but you also showed me things about myself that I needed to heal. You showed me things about myself that I knew were there but didn’t realize that I needed to heal because they are impacting my whole life.” She smiled back at me through the zoom screen. 

We went on to have a discussion around the fact that this is always the lens that I see and read through. I used to fight that and compare myself to other readers, but I learned to love it and embrace it. I believe that I am meant to look at spirit through the lens of healing, because that is what naturally comes through me. I believe that we are all here to heal and grow and often we need to heal things before we can expand and grow. Spirit shows me healing opportunities with my clients and for that I will be forever grateful.