Rose Quartz Mediumship

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I closed my eyes as I began to listen to the song. I didn’t need to understand the words, they were irrelevant and yet completely relevant. I couldn’t speak or understand the language in my mind but my heart understood completely, my body caught every word, my soul devoured the lessons. It was almost better that my mind couldn’t understand, it didn’t even try. I didn’t need to bother explaining to my mind that it wouldn’t get it, my mind already understood. 

My eyes closed. My body started to slowly move in a gentle and flowy way. I didn’t try to control it. I didn’t judge it. I barely even noticed it. My heart filled and poured wide open, spilling love freely and openly out into the world and all over myself. My soul became more present as I allowed my humanness to step back and my spirit to step forward.

My mind couldn’t understand the words or the lessons but the song wasn’t for my mind so it didn’t matter. My body understood, my heart understood, my soul understood. My mind stepped aside and allowed the medicine of the song to reach every other part of me. Then, slowly, my mind caught up. “Oh, I understand” my mind quietly said. My mind couldn’t put words to it, there were none. If someone asked my mind to explain it would be impossible but my mind understood the shift that happened when my heart, body and soul understood.