Rose Quartz Mediumship

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Honoring Resistance

She went out of her way to invite me and answer all of my questions. She was open and honest and our conversation flowed easily. On paper, this situation should work out perfectly for me. It was like the universe was serving me the least complicated answer, yet I didn’t want to take it.

I couldn’t explain the volume of resistance that I was experiencing but I also couldn’t deny it. I felt the resistance in my body, in my heart, in my mind and in spirit. If all of that wasn’t enough, the resistance just kept showing up with dates and times that didn’t work. There was a moment where I wanted to explain the resistance away, but then I had to ask myself why I was doing that. Of course this was a more convenient option but to deny the level of resistance would be foolish and simply make it harder on myself in the future when the earthly plane caught up to the energy that I was already feeling. I learned years ago that if I try to deny resistance, it simply comes back and is more uncomfortable than if I had simply listened in the first place. I don’t need to understand the resistance in my mind, I simply need to acknowledge that it is there and honor it for what it is. It doesn’t need to make sense. I just need to trust it. 

I took a deep breath and declined the invitation. I had already pointed out to her the volume of resistance that was showing up. I didn’t make an excuse, I didn’t lie or make up a story, I simply owned the fact that I wasn’t going to attend. I didn’t have a good reason and we both knew that so I simply said that I couldn’t attend and thanked her for the invitation and her time.

Months later I got to understand the resistance and it was exactly what I thought  it would be. When the physical caught up to the energy and I got to see what the universe was protecting me against I quietly smiled, closed my eyes and thanked the universe for the way that it supports me. Then, I took a moment and felt gratitude for the fact that I have done enough internal work to listen to essential knowledge when I hear it, and honor it.