Rose Quartz Mediumship

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Do you like to pull the bandaid off quickly? A sharp sensation and then it is all over with so you can move on with your life kind of thing? You have no intention of sitting in your pain and prolonging it. Sometimes, when you rip off the bandaid quickly your skin wasn’t ready and you end up tearing some of yourself off with the bandaid leaving a wound that you didn’t really expect to need to heal, sometimes that wound feels like a burn. 

Are you a “slowly pull off the bandaid” kind of person? If you make it slow you can adjust to the sensation as you go. Nothing needs to be quick and violent in life, ease into it and sit with the sensation a bit. You aren’t going to tear any skin using this technique. There will be no worry that a piece of you will be torn and taken away. The issue, however, is that you are going to feel every hair being pulled from your skin, even ones that you never knew were there and you will watch yourself stretch and shift in ways that you didn’t think your skin could stretch. 

Maybe, you are the kind of person who will slowly pull one side. This will give you time to adjust to the sensation and then realize that you don’t want to feel this for so long so you quickly rip off the second half and move on with your day. You see, you can be both a quick and slow bandaid puller, nowhere in life’s handbook does it say that you need to pick. 

Or, possibly you leave it on with the intention that when enough of life's dirtiness gets under there it will eventually fall off on its own.  No need to pull anything off, slowly or quickly, just let it naturally fall away when it no longer sticks anymore. Often, when you pick this technique you don’t feel the transition of the bandaid at all. There is a small risk that you may end up with so much dirt left under where the bandaid was that you will end up with a little infection that you need to fight. You see, most bandaids will naturally eventually fall off when they are ready but every now and then you get one that creates an infection and what you applied to yourself to heal you is now the very thing that is making you sick, seems ironic. 

This is the thing, you can pull a bandaid off anyway that you like. This is your journey and there are no rules that say exactly how you pull off the bandaid but we all know that once you put the bandaid on that at some point it will need to come off again. Understanding what kind of a bandaid puller you are will help you to understand yourself a bit more. You could even stop and ask yourself how you were taught to pull off a bandaid, did your family teach you one technique and now you just follow that because you never tried another way? Did your family teach you one technique and then you transitioned through learning more about how it felt?

What if, the way you pull off a bandaid is the same way you transition out of jobs, relationships, homes, areas, friendships, hobbies, and anything else that you do in life. Then again, you could be one type of bandaid puller for relationships and a very different type for jobs or friendships. 

What if I wasn’t talking about bandaids at all. What if I were talking about how we move through the transitions of life, the bandaids of life so to speak. Would you feel differently about how you want to pull off the bandaid now or do you like the way that you pull off a bandaid?