Rose Quartz Mediumship

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Uncross your legs!

My left foot slid easily and comfortably over my right. It has rested there a million times, maybe a million and one. It has happened so many times that I didn’t even think twice about it.  Nudge nudge, I got a little nudge from spirit that I was being closed off.  I laughed and uncrossed my legs. 

She started doing Reiki and I re-crossed my legs. She was a student of mine and was coming to do a practice session on me. She was about to open her business and wanted feedback. 

Nudge nudge, you are being closed off. I uncrossed my legs realizing that it had only been minutes. 

I knew that she would read things on me. I was an open book because I had been doing a lot of shadow work and deep soul diving following a ceremony. I wasn’t afraid of her reading me, I truly wasn’t. I would tell her anything that I was working through. 

She worked through the session and I found my legs crossed again. This time I stopped. It was almost as if the universe was shouting at me. “YOU ARE BEING CLOSED OFF”. It is funny because I would tell you that I am transparent and an open book. Much of the details of my life, thoughts, beliefs and behaviors are on complete display, yet my legs were still crossed. I was protecting the super vulnerable parts of me, the private parts of me, the ones that almost no one gets to see. The message was figurative and literal and I heard it loud and clear. 

I uncrossed my legs and sank into the uncomfortableness that met me there. I was ok being uncomfortable, it’s where growth happens for me. I didn’t cross them again for the rest of the session.