Rose Quartz Mediumship

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Transplant me

Every spring it happens without planning. On some warm, sunny, yummy day I get the urge to re-pot my house plants. I carry a bunch of them out and begin re-potting them into larger pots. I move the largest one into a larger pot and then carefully pick which plant is next to keep the process smoothly going, allowing the plants to move up into larger homes. Without fail, it brings my heart into the happiest place, pure joy, as I transplant the house plants. Often, music will lightly be playing in the background as I wiggle with excitement and whisper sweet nothings to the plants while transplanting them. This day was no exception from every other spring transplanting day.

“Oh, you are a big girl” I said to one of the plants as I gently tipped it sideways and wiggled it in the pot getting ready to pull it out. 

“You grew so quickly and beautifully” I said softly to the plant.

With a single tug the whole plant came out of the pot easily. The plant was completely rootbound, it had almost no soil and the entire bottom was a ball of roots.

“I am so sorry” I said, realizing that the plant had no room to grow and must have felt completely restricted and held back. I quickly realized that the pot that I had intended to place it into would not be big enough. I gently set the plant on the ground and went to find a bigger pot. As I walked back towards the garage, to look through the extra pots, I got thinking about clients who I work with. Sometimes, we have been growing in an environment that is simply so restrictive that we can barely breath, that we have no room to expand, that we are being cut off and held back, that we feel like we have no room to go anywhere and we are begging for a new space for ourselves with room to grow and expand and explore. Sometimes, we are just like this plant and we have outgrown our space. 

I picked out a new pot and started talking back towards the plant to transplant it and stopped for a moment, I closed my eyes and allowed the warm sun to beat down on my face and thanked mother nature for being such a powerful mentor for me.