Rose Quartz Mediumship

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A tear rolled down his cheek as he told me the story about his daughter. He told a story about his daughter as a young teenager coming to him and telling him who she was. What the essence of the energy was that came from within her without hiding and without a mask. He told the story of her openly and gently telling him about her and who she was at the core of her being, unapologetically and without the need for approval.  His eyes welled with tears, over and over until a stream of wet tears rolled from his eyes only to continue. They were tears of pride. They were tears of joy. They were tears of happiness. They were tears from the heart.

I felt grounded and peaceful in my body while watching his body release energy over and over again.

“I told her to tell her grandparents. I told her to tell her aunts and uncles. I told her to tell the world. Tell the world who you are, baby. We want to know you”, he said as tears flowed and his body gently shook. Every part of him was beaming with pride. 

I knew this feeling. I knew this sensation that he was sitting solidly in when he told me the story. I knew it well. The clients who come to me for coaching are doing just that. They are telling me about who they are. At their core, at the essence of their soul, who they are and with each client I get to say “Tell the world who you are, baby. We want to know you”, and it is one of my most favorite moments with every client. 

So, if you are reading this. I want you to pause and know that the world wants to know who you are, we want you to tell us about you, the real you, the version of you who you keep hidden or protected or push people away from. Show the world the real you.