Rose Quartz Mediumship

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Never will I ever

We sat at the kitchen table sipping coffee and talking about metaphysics in the humid summer morning. 

“I just don’t understand her behavior” he said, talking about her. 

“You see, sometimes in a past life we say things like ‘never will I ever love again’ and then we carry that into our next lives. Sometimes, we come back to heal from something that happened in another life. As we heal that trauma or that experience it allows us to learn and grow and expand. When I look at her, I see a woman who was heartbroken and made a statement that she would never love deeply again. Her spirit, her soul, remembers that and is holding up a block. Until she “unsays” this statement she is going to continue to be blocked from love and connection. She is going to continue to run from love. She will continue to facepalm anyone who tries to come close to her. She may not understand the behavior herself and she will likely come up with “reasons” for this pattern and behavior to justify it in her head. At the end of the day, she needs to learn how to allow for connection and love. I think that one of the things that she is here to do is to learn this lesson and heal that trauma but only she can do that work, only she can see the pattern and the behavior and want to change it.”  

“I see that” he said back.

“It is really common, actually. People do this a lot with metaphysical abilities. If they have been persecuted for using their metaphysical abilities in a past life then often they will block them, subconsciously, in this life. Until they ‘see’ that within themselves they will continue to block their abilities until they ‘unsay’ the statement that they once said.”

We sat in silence for a moment while he recognized that I was still talking about her and thousands of others also.