Rose Quartz Mediumship

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“What if it wasn’t bad or good?” I asked. I waited to see how he would respond and when I could tell that he was willing to hear me out I continued. 

“What if it just was an experience. What if you didn’t attach judgment to the experience and didn’t try to put it in a category. What if you simply had the experience and asked yourself how it made you feel?” 

“Go on, I am hearing you” he responded. 

“What if you just allowed what naturally wanted to come from you to come and got curious about what came out. What if you didn’t beat yourself up about when and how. What if you trusted yourself enough to know that when something was meant to come from you, it would and if it wasn’t ready to come from you then you and it must not be ready yet. What if you stopped judging it and simply allowed it to be whatever it was meant to be.” I left a moment of silence and then continued. 

“You see, sometimes I know that I have a blog post in me that needs to come out but it just isn’t ready. Sometimes, it takes 2 days and other times it takes 3 weeks. I could spend a lot of time and energy judging why it took a specific amount of time for that content to come out of me, or I could just recognize that maybe I wasn’t done processing and just trust that when it and I are ready, it will come out of me, which it always does.”