Rose Quartz Mediumship

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Energetic Home, cleansing and clearing

“I need my home to feel good” she said.

“Yeah” I said back.

“I need it to feel calm and welcoming and safe” she said.

“Yeah” I said back. I recognized that she wasn’t looking for validation or to work through her thoughts, she was just expressing them and I was a sounding board for her. 

I could hear her walking around her home. “I got one more bag of stuff to be donated before the truck comes” she said. “I have time for one more bag”.

“Good” I said.

“I need it to feel lighter in this home” she said. As she packed up and donated unused items from her physical environment she also worked on releasing emotions that she had held onto for years and been unable to let go of. 

“How does it feel?” I asked.

“Really fucking good” she said back. 

Days later we spoke again. She had gone through her home and cleansed and cleared so many unused items from her physical reality.  She had done the exact same from her energetic reality. She released and let go of things, ideas, thoughts, emotions, wounds, self-limiting thoughts, societal norms that were not serving her or her family. 

“Do you know what I like?” she asked.

“What” I responded back.

“I like these drawers in the dresser. I now have placed for each of my things. Rather than everything being all shoved and squished into one place I can now separate things out and put things into their own places.”

“How does that feel?” I asked. 

“It feels really calm and good” she said.

“I like you creating boundaries in your life.” I said back.

“Yeah” she said and then laughed. 

“Look at your letting go of things that are not serving you and then creating boundaries in your reality. You are doing it emotionally, energetically and physically. Do you see it”.

She laughed, “yes I do”. 

We went on to talk about how our physical reality is often a representation of our energetic and emotional self. I watch over and over again people cleansing things and donating their items when they are ready to release and let go of older versions of themselves. I see people making clean lines in their home when they are ready to make boundaries in life. 

“I’m going to write a blog post about you.” I said to her. She was demonstrating such a simple and beautiful example of how energetics play out in our physical reality. It was one that I felt people could read about and apply to their own life. 

“Ok, just make me hot in your blog, alright?” she said.

I laughed and thought to myself “I can’t make you any sexier and hotter than you already are. You just need to be able to see how fucking hot you are” but that is the next step and the next blog post my friend.