Rose Quartz Mediumship

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Doing fasts or cleansing certain foods, items, and drinks from my diet has always been powerful for me. I started doing it 5 years ago in the Druid program that I participate in.  

If I am really honest with myself, my body lets me know when it wants me to remove specific things from it. I get the choice to listen or not. 

When I do listen, I am always amazed at the insight and clarity that I get from the experience. I always learn so much about myself and what that food or drink was doing to my body, heart, mind and spirit. I also love to see the shift that it creates in my reality. With the removal of something, I am making room for something new that is more aligned. 

Often, after my body, heart, mind and spirit have adjusted I see a huge energetic shift. I experience things differently and more intensely, I am open to experiencing more and deeper things from a more natural state of self. With almost each of my significant openings or energetic shifts I also had a shift in diet that included clearing something out of my diet. 

I have also used it as a tool to help myself go through an energetic shift that I could feel coming, and I wanted to start to experience the shift. Starting the cleanse in my diet created the opportunity for the shift to come through my reality, it was a bit of an invitation.

If you are looking to create a shift, take a look at things that you are consuming that do not align with the direction in which you are looking to move, then remove those items and see what happens. For me, it is always magick.