Rose Quartz Mediumship

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Changing colors

I was lying on my bed meditating. The windows were open and the smell of the lilacs from just outside the window was flowing over me.  The meditation focused on seeing outside the scope of my current reality. I was asking to expand my mindset and what I thought was possible. 

I was flowing between things that were currently outside of my scope of reality and what was blocking me from seeing them. The blocks to seeing a more expansive view of reality were just as valuable as the expansive view. 

My son walked into my bedroom to ask me something and absolutely everything shifted. I had been focusing on one specific visual and as soon as he walked into the room the colors of my visual changed and the shapes changed. I opened my eyes and looked up at him. We chatted for a moment and then I closed my eyes again and went back into meditation. As I relaxed back into meditation I felt grateful for that lesson. While I understood that the introduction of another person's energy into my reality would change my energy, it was really neat to see the visual manifestation of this in shapes and colors. I meditate by myself almost 100% of the time, so this was a beautiful lesson on many levels and while it was something that I cognitively and emotionally understood, I understood it on a different level. 

Understanding it on a different level allowed me to have a stronger commitment around who and what I allow into my reality.